About Me

Sylvie Del Duca
Owner, Online Interior Designs
Phone: 757.572.4065 | Email: sylgaro@aol.com
I've been doing residential and commercial interior design since 1987. I graduated from Dawson College in Montreal, Canada. When I was first out of design school - I got a full time position designing hair salons. At the same time I was also involved in many freelance residential projects.
Interior design has always been my passion. My second job was at The Royal Bank of Canada, designing corporate banking and office spaces. In 1990, I decided to start my own design firm. I've been flying solo ever since.
I lived in Virginia Beach for 12 years where I worked in residential, hospitality and retail interior design. I now reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I operates my interior design business.
To meet the demand I received from people wanting my interior design help online - this website was created. My goal is to provide efficient, helpful online consults at a reasonable costs to anyone looking for interior design help.